Student Testimonials

I would say the best part about the program is the long-lasting bond. Throughout my time in the Pre-college program, the people that I was with were basically my family. We did literally everything together. Throughout hard times and the
sleepless nights trying to get through the classes, we had to team up and overcome the hard struggle. With the help of the program, we even to this day hang out and stay together. We were able to have an advantage over all the other freshmen that came in by already having a bond and also by already having classes done, having credit, and even learn the campus. Also having done the program I was able to form connections with different high-level administration. I was also able to form a connection with the person who I now call boss for my work-study job. Without the program, I wouldn’t be able to have accomplished all I have now. I am forever in debt to the program for giving me a family here at Fisk.

-Daria Bell, Pre-college 2019


Though my time in Pre College was limited, its effect on my life has been tremendous. Pre College prepared me for my Freshman year, and I gained contacts that help me get great opportunities. Taking classes during the summer allowed for a head start before any of my peers. When the Fall semester began I was involved in RAGE (Fisk’s dance team), SGA, CSA, Tanner Art Society, the Miss
Black and Gold Pageant, and even a homecoming fashion show. My class did so well throughout the year, and Mr. Isaac Thompson recognized us for our achievements! I was placed in the role of a mentor for Pre College 2019. I had a blast connecting and helping students adjust to college life. I always say without Pre College I would not have had as much success in my Freshman year.

-Victoria Clarke, Pre-college 2018



Program Curriculum


  • English Composition I or II
  • Leadership Development
  • Math Prep or College Algebra
  •  Computer Proficiency
  • Service Learning/New Student Orientation/Career Planning/Assessment


  • Learning Strategies
  • Written Communication
  • Quantitative Skills
  • Fun Virtual activities
  • Current Student & Alumni Interaction
  • Seminars, Cultural/Community Outings

Frequently Asked Questions

The program dates are July 5th through August 4th. Activities begin on Tuesday, July 5th. Students move into housing at Crosthwaithe Hall on the campus of Fisk University, that morning from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.. Please make sure you arrive during these hours because activities start shortly after, but we will be manned for later check-ins.

The program cost of $3,260 covers class needs, planned activities, and provides meals at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner hours. You should have enough personal funds to provide for your wants/needs (snacks, toiletries, or activities) outside of those planned by the program.


Students are housed at Crosthwaithe Hall on the campus of Fisk University. They are 2-person rooms, with access to kitchen, common lounge/lobby areas, and community bathrooms.

Students do not always get to choose their roommates. Students are intermingled from the application on a “first come, first served” basis, which affords everyone the opportunity to make new friends. In some situations, it is possible to request…but not guaranteed.

Yes. Participants will receive up to 6 credit hours toward their degree. Our credited offerings are subject to change, but currently include: Composition, Leadership Development, and New Student Orientation/Service Learning.

Classes are usually held from 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The times are subject to change depending on the instructors, but will be communicated at move-in. Activities are typically scheduled during evening hours and/or on weekends.
The PCP curriculum is designed to help students build a foundation, establish academic habits, and hone skills needed to matriculate successfully through Fisk University…It doesn’t lack challenges, however. If students apply themselves, actively participate, and avail themselves of all provided resources, you should reap all of the benefits of this early collegiate interaction. For conditional admits successful completion of the summer curriculum is expected to insure your full admittance in the fall semester. All participants will receive a final grade and the associated credits for each such course in the program. This IS the start of your college career, and the grades from this program will provide the first building blocks of your GPA. Performance in these classes will solidify or jeopardize your scholarships/financial aid.
Enrollment in the Pre-College Program is exclusive to those students who have been accepted by Fisk, and have committed to being enrolled and on campus in the fall.
Yes. The program provides meals at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner hours at the Fisk cafeteria as follows:​ Monday - Friday​ Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.​ Lunch 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.​ Dinner 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.​ Saturday – Sunday​ Brunch 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.​ Dinner 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
There is a student lounge in each dormitory, which is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, sink, and television.

Yes, Nashville has a broad range of activities that are available to students, and PCP will expose its participants to many of them throughout the four-week session.​





The PCP program provides transportation for all planned events.​
For the most part, your comings and goings while in the program will be regulated and relegated to the planned activities. A fair amount of free-time is scheduled in, however our expectation is that you maintain a close proximity to the campus. At no point should you be away from campus without the knowledge of authorized PCP staff and/or parental consent. In those instances, there are numerous transportation options in Nashville such as: city busses, taxis, Uber and Lyft.​
Yes, however, you will be responsible for purchasing a parking permit from Fisk’s Department of Safety and Security. The estimated cost is $75 for the five-week program. Cars parked on campus without a permit are subject to be towed and you are responsible for those charges.​ ​
  • Shorts (or other clothing of an inappropriate length)
  • Halter/Tube/Crop tops (excessively revealing)​
  • Pajamas (in public)
  • Sagging pants​
  • See through (excessive holes) or suggestive clothing showing too much
  • Caps which are not removed upon entrance to building(s)​
  • T-shirts displaying profanity, lewd messages, or promoting illegal activities
  • Clothing in direct violation of the University dress code
Absolutely! Fisk’s students, faculty and staff welcome the opportunity to meet students. We encourage all students not to be reluctant to initiate conversations with any member of the Fisk community. In addition, many of the New Student Orientation activities will be jointly attended with the students who come in for Orientation/Registration, but are not participants with PCP.​
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